No one knew exactly what Kanye West was going to do when MTV granted him “free reign” for his Video Music Awards performance. Though he did give another one of his off-the-wall Kanye speeches, he actually let his art speak for itself.
Instead of giving a performance, the rapper decided to premiere the music video for his single, “Fade.” The artsy video, which is bound to be a classic, primarily features singer Teyana Taylor dancing in a workout room. (She also has brief steamy scene with her fiancé, NBA player Iman Shumpert)
With her amazing dance moves and body, Taylor completely slays in the video and she’s got everybody talking. Though Taylor entered the music scene in 2007 and has worked with West in the past, as well as with people like Jay Z and Chris Brown, wanting to capitalize on her “Fade” buzz, some white publications have decided to do the honor of “introducing” her to the world.
This Is Why the Girl in Kanye West's New Music Video Looks So Familiar
— Cosmopolitan (@Cosmopolitan) August 29, 2016
Who Is Teyana Taylor? Get to Know the Woman in Kanye West's "Fade" Video
— Celebrity News (@ThCelebrityNews) August 29, 2016
If you didn't know who @TeyanaTaylor was before, you sure do now: #vmas
— ELLE Magazine (US) (@ELLEmagazine) August 29, 2016
Teyana Taylor: 5 things to know about star of Kanye West's "Fade" video
— billboard (@billboard) August 29, 2016
Curious about the star of @KanyeWest's "Fade" video? Here are 5 fun facts about her #VMAs
— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) August 29, 2016
5 things to know about the star of Kanye West's #Fade video—Teyana Taylor
— People Magazine (@people) August 29, 2016
Now, you know Black Twitter and every other woke person was not gonna let this slide. Twitter quickly let the “white media” know what’s up and praised Taylor’s already established career.
Dear White media. Teyana Taylor is her name. She is an extraordinarily talented artist with her own music and career. #Fade #VMAs
— Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) August 29, 2016
Dear Non Music sites,
There's no need to "introduce" us to Teyana Taylor.
We know her.
Thanks.#VMAS— Sowmya Krishnamurthy (@SowmyaK) August 29, 2016
You could have also just looked in…@Cosmopolitan because she was in your mag
— R'asclat Al Ghul (@Felonious_munk) August 29, 2016
white publications want to introduce us to Teyana Taylor? ? go eat a cucumber sandwich. @ELLEmagazine @Cosmopolitan @Refinery29 @ew
— Patrice McDowell (@Aries_Noir) August 29, 2016
1)"The girl" is Teyana Taylor 2) She did more than Sweet 16. 3) This once again proves why we need diverse newsrooms
— Mia Simon (@miasimon_says) August 29, 2016
Wypipo really living in their own world if they're just finding out who Teyana Taylor is
— STiXX EDiTZ (@MR_STiXX) August 29, 2016
Y'all I don't even like teyana Taylor but you're not gonna diminish her and y'all knew all about Gigi Hadid asap foh@Cosmopolitan
— Miss Pope (@Pomac) August 29, 2016
Media tryna "introduce" us to Teyana Taylor….bitch we been knowing her since 2010!!!! Tf
— Kuda Charamba (@kudacharamba) August 29, 2016
I love how all the white media outlets wanna act like y'all don't know who Teyana Taylor is
— Dez? (@_Thxmas) August 29, 2016
They said "MEET TEYANA TAYLOR" lmao I am at a loss
— MissBliss. (@BadLittleLion) August 29, 2016
It’s a shame that some believe styles, trends, and even artists aren’t popular unless white people know about it and then feel the need to “introduce” it to the world. We already know who Taylor is, it’s you who needs the introduction.
Dear White Media, Please Stop Trying to “Introduce” Us to Teyana Taylor is a post from: Gossip On This - Pop Culture, News, Videos & Humor
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