You might think that beef is just a category of meat, but among the squabbling sisters of the Basketball Wives L.A. cast, it’s actually a way of life.
You’ll recall about two or three episodes that Duffey, Brandi’s so-called “sister,” and Tami Roman got into a heated argument after Tami fired Duffey for doing a completely shit job in organizing her daughter Jazz’s music video. That disagreement and dismissal led to a mini-shoving match, some heated words and some very hurt feelings.
In true grinch fashion, Tami Roman is not interested in mending fences no matter what, so she’s decided to make everyone aware of how furious she is at Duffey for getting into it with her and her daughter.
While Duffey shouldn’t have shaded Jazz for being an unknown new artist (especially given her light track record as an alleged “star” DJ), she has made efforts to make things right.
Duffey met up with Jazz and apologized one-on-one, and in this episode, Duffey texts Tami inviting her out to lunch. Tami, however, stands Duffey up, foiling those plans. Malaysia was on standby as a referee so she advised Duffey to text Tami an apology. That text message, too, went unanswered and ignored.
Anytime Tami opens her mouth, she says that if she is simply near Duffey that she will assault and/or kill the girl.
I mean, damn, I know Duffey was a little slick with the mouth with regard to Tami’s child, but the murderous Wolverine-style rage seems pretty overzealous. Especially since Duffey CLEARLY recognizes who the alpha female is and has already submitted. But Tami is going in for the kill.
Get Ready for Problems in Portugal
The dumb birds of BBWLA are being flown to Portugal but unfortunately, they can’t tell the difference between Portuguese and Spanish. When Jackie invites Malaysia and Duffey to a Portuguese lesson to prep the girls for the trip, the two dodo birds get up to the chalkboard and draw titties, vagina and penises, after asking why they’re being taught “Spanish.”
These bitches are the type to call anyone from a Latin country “Spanish” and call all Asian people “Chinese.” Geography and social studies were clearly not their best subjects in grade school.
After breaking the news to Duffey and Malaysia that they’re going to be visiting Portugal, on Doug’s dime too, the girls squeal with delight. Mind you, these girls have no clue about what a Portugal is or what they’re gonna do there, but they know it’s in Europe and that’s all that matters.
The only problem is: How will Jackie navigate with both Duffey and Tami being invited?
For “DJ” Duffey’s part, she’s ready to move on from the issue. Tami, on the other hand, ain’t nowhere near ready to bury that beef.
“Bitch, you are a DJ in Dallas. Nobody in the entire world knows who you are except for Dallas,” says Tami. True, but damn, give the girl credit for trying!
At a dinner with the “core” set of BBWLA ladies, Tami begrudgingly agrees to go on the trip to Portugal, but she makes it clear that she will maintain a steady and safe distance from Duffey.
Right. Because this reality show (or hell, any reality show, for that matter) is known for keeping mortal enemies apart from each other on vacation. As Tami astutely points out, she’s gotten into fist fights with her cast mates in Tahiti and Spain, so adding Portugal to that list won’t be nothin’ but a G thang, baby.
The Trouble With Tami
After the final pow wow before their European vacation, the show fast forwards to Jackie, Shaunie, Tami, Malaysia, and co. making their way from the airport to their hotel in Lisbon.
When they arrive in their suite, the ladies learn that Duffey and Brandi have already arrived and the two are downstairs at the bar celebrating Brandi’s birthday with an alcoholic drink. After a bit of hesitation, with Malaysia and Jackie trying to divide their time between Tami and Shaunie and Duffey and Brandi, Tami acquiesces and allows Duffey to come upstairs into her space.
When Brandi steps into the suite, the room erupts with warmth and laughter, but Duffey feels the cool breeze coming from Tami’s side of the table immediately.
The two don’t exchange words, but the hostility between them is palpable.
After spending a few minutes kiki-ing with Brandi, Shaunie, Tami and the Angels (oh, are they on this show still?) quickly take their leave, and Malaysia, Brandi, Jackie and Duffey regroup. It’s at this point that Jackie breaks the news to Duffey that she’ll have to do all of her activities separate from Tami, which means it’s going to be a Team A and Team B situation, with Tami on one team and Duffey on the other.
Upon hearing this, Duffey bursts into tears because she says that if she’d known she was only going to do half of the activities on the trip, she wouldn’t have missed her son’s graduation to come.
Tami and Shaunie, who were eavesdropping outside the door, are shocked.
“I feel so stupid for coming here!” says Duffey.
“Well, bitch I guess you are stupid,” retorts Tami, who makes it clear that if her child was graduating, there’s no way she’d be on this foolish girls’ trip.
As Duffey continues to weep, Jackie joins in and the whole thing becomes an estrogen-fueled drama-fest.
But wait, there’s more. The next morning at breakfast, everyone turns up except Tami. At first, the group assumes Tami is staying away because Duffey is there, but even Shaunie starts to worry about Tami so the two of them head up to Tami’s room to check on her. But when they knock on the door, she doesn’t answer.
Jackie starts to panic decides to call security when Tami doesn’t respond to their knocks and the producers leave us on a cliffhanger, wondering if Tami perhaps suffered a medical emergency.
I’m betting she’s just sitting on the toilet shitting her guts out or something, because I know she’s not sick or dead, because I already saw preview footage of her going to blows with Duffey in the next episode so there’s really not much suspense there. Tami ain’t doin’ nothin’ but givin’ us some damn good reality TV so she can earn her paycheck. And I’m ready for more mess from Ms. Roman.
Basketball Wives L.A. Recap: Tami Still Hates Duffey, Even in Portugal is a post from: Gossip On This - Pop Culture, News, Videos & Humor
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