Black Twitter Drags Mike Pence for Honoring a White Man During Black History Month


Happy Black History Month!

Though black awesomeness should be a year-long celebration, we’ve (officially) got 28 days to cram all the amazing, magical, wonderful, brilliant, things black Americans have achieved and accomplished in this country. It should be a joyous time to celebrate, but unfortunately, the vice president just had to kick things off with some white savior ridiculousness.

Vice President Mike Pence took to his Twitter on Wednesday (Feb. 1) to acknowledge Black History Month. However, instead of honoring one of the pillars of black history like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks, he felt it in his heart to shout out a white man: 16th President Abraham Lincoln!

Pence conflated National Freedom Day, which celebrates Lincoln signing the 13th Amendment on Feb. 1 1865, which outlawed slavery, and Black History Month. However, he didn’t even get it that right. By only crediting Lincoln with ending slavery, Pence erased the efforts of those involved in the abolitionist movement.

Needless to say, Twitter called out Pence for choosing to honor a white man during Black History Month. #PenceBlackHistory and #WhiteBHM and other hashtags were created.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump and White House press secretary Sean Spicer seemingly have no clue who Frederick Douglas was, his contributions to American history, or that he’s been dead for 122 years.

“Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who has done an amazing job that is being recognized more and more, I noticed,” Trump stated during a Black History Month breakfast with black leaders and a few of his blacks black supporters.

Spicer attempted – but failed – to explain Trump’s statement later that day after a reporter asked for clarification of what Trump was trying to say.

“Well I think there was contributions. I think he wants to highlight the contributions that he has made and I think that through a lot of the actions and statements that he is going to make, I think that the contributions of Frederick Douglass will become more and more.”

Yeah, all this was just day one. This is going to be a very interesting Black History Month with Donald Trump as POTUS and Mike Pence as VPOTUS. These white men clearly have no clue what’s going on.

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Written by: editor - Friday, February 3, 2017

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